Board Advisory

Over the last few years the need for corporate transparency and accountability has dictated that an efficient board should not only comply with current legislation, but compliance has also become the new minimum requirement of board performance.

How We Help

With increasing understanding and literacy of the functioning of boards by company stakeholders: from shareholders, regulators, customers, employees, media, boards must run themselves effectively and properly, and must be seen to do so.

With a proven methodology in governance fields TRANSEARCH is able to encompass the rapidly changing areas of corporate governance and board effectiveness when assisting our clients.

At TRANSEARCH, we realize that having an effective board is a strategic advantage and a challenging task to achieve. We address this challenge by effectively contributing to corporate governance policies and assisting in building the most efficient and reliable Board. In establishing the most effective board we focus on skill variety, cultural balance, as well as decision-making capabilities.


The Board Services team consists of a group of dedicated professionals with extensive experience.