Board Assessments

From scorecards that assess how well executives’ leadership competencies align with your business needs to evaluate the effectiveness, diversity, and governance of Boards, we provide outstanding processes to explore and enhance the performance of your leadership teams and Board members.

Board Effectiveness

What are the core competencies and leadership qualities executives and Board members need to thrive?

Conducting thorough appraisals of your Board members and executive team is a winning way to help answer this integral question.

TRANSEARCH consultants are certified experts in leveraging Hogan assessments to identify leaders’ relevant skills and industry knowledge, as well as exploring their personality traits and potential to grow and advance with your business.

The Key to a Successful Board

Shareholders and investors are increasingly taking a critical look at the performance of Boards.

Using global performance benchmarks, our assessment approach delves into key elements that factor into the success of Boards, including:


  1. The diversity of members
  2. The effectiveness of their governance, structure, and processes
  3. The success of their strategic guidance
  4. Their track record in communicating with stakeholders
  5. The relationship they have with the executive leadership team